Looking Back at the Frequency Specific Microcurrent Masterclass

frequency specific microcurrent infections inflammation lyme parasites Jul 27, 2023

Two weeks ago, we held an immersive Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Masterclass! 


Throughout these three sessions, we dove into the world of FSM and its incredible potential for healing and wellness. 


The first day of the Masterclass set the foundation for understanding FSM. Participants learned about the principles behind this therapy, which utilizes low-level electrical currents to stimulate healing at the cellular level. During the introductory session, we highlighted the advantages and effectiveness of FSM.


On the second day of our Masterclass, we discussed the application of FSM in targeting inflammation and toxins - two factors that play a significant role in various chronic health conditions. 


Inflammation, the body's immune response to injury or infection, can become chronic and contribute to the development of diseases like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disorders.


The use of FSM in detoxification protocols was important to participants, as it showcased the potential to address environmental toxins and heavy metals that accumulate in the body over time, especially ones that can be harmful in chronic Lyme patients. 


The final day of our Masterclass explored how FSM can be utilized to combat bacterial infections, particularly Lyme co-infections. 


We discussed common bacterial co-infections associated with Lyme disease and how to integrate FSM into healing these infections. 


Our Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Masterclass was a resounding success, leaving participants enlightened and empowered. We are confident that the knowledge gained during this Masterclass will lead to transformative changes in many lives.


To those who missed this opportunity, don’t worry, we have the replays available for you. If you are interested in accessing the replays to the Masterclass, you can sign-up using the link below:



For a limited time, we are offering all three sessions of the masterclass for only $87. Each session is two hours and comes with a worksheet, so you can take notes as you follow along. As this is a recording, you can work at your own pace and pause if you need to!


I am hopeful to spread my knowledge and work on FSM to create a brighter future in the world of healing.

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