Struggling to Take Back Your Health from Lyme, Mold Toxins and Co-infections?

Learn the Top Remedies and Treatments that have helped
our patients and how to get your health and life back. 

Did you know that antibiotics don't always solve your Lyme and Co-infection issues??

Take the first step towards transformation.


You Can Create Freedom from your health issues

Learn the formula to building your health and use it to:

  • Learn ways to overcome and get rid of your symptoms
  • Learn how to target specific infections and parasites that may still be in your body
  • Get much-needed healing information and support from Greg and the community
  • Be seen, heard, and connect with members who know what you are going through
  • Transform the Lyme shame which leaves you feeling isolated, no one understands replaced with meaningful connection and being seen

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

By becoming a member of HEAL for Real, you can learn how to fight back against your illnesses and symptoms. 


What Do You Get?

In-depth Analysis

We are doing a deep dive each month into a healing topic that is a big concern amongst our patients and the HEAL for REAL community. We are providing weekly webinars which cover the topic from different angles. These angles include a basic understanding, an in-depth analysis based on what YOU want to know, treatments, remedies, and plenty of time for questions.

Recordings & More

By signing up for HEAL for REAL (HFR), you also get access to over ONE Hundred past HFR recordings and  BONUS videos we post. So you won't miss any trainings because you'll have the links to these past trainings, indexed by topics like Lyme, Co-infections, Mold, Parasites, Inflammation, Mast Cell Activation (MCAS), Essential Oils, Hydrogen Therapies, Neurotransmitters, Liver Detox, Gut-Brain Healing, Photobiomodulation and More...

Demos and Implementation

As part of the deep dive into each healing topic, we are also demonstrating the devices and in-office treatments that are helping patients in our clinic with this issue. This means we will be having monthly demos and implementation sections for each topic, focusing on showing ways of using remedies and treatments to get faster healing results with your patients and yourself. 

In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Finally have energy to live your life
  • Overcome Chronic-Lyme Symptoms
  • Become more self-confident and regain lost hope
  • Connect with people who really understand the challenges of Lyme
  • Help create a safe, healing community where people with Lyme are welcome and get healing from the community

The right natural treatment and remedies can make all the difference in your day-to-day treatment. Learn what you may be missing, and tackle topics you have been struggling with for years.

The Framework Of The community...

Weekly Zoom Meetings will be held every Wednesday, live, at 3:00 p.m. EST. If you are not able to attend the live webinars, no worries! Recordings will be posted on our website :-)


The Basics of the Topic

The first week will cover the most important reasons why patients struggle with this issue. You will learn the basics blocks to improvement and effective strategies for overcoming these blocks. This is also where YOU can share with us your specific struggles with the topic and get answers to your most pressing questions around healing the issue.



The second week will go more in-depth into the topic, including a case study, excerpts from patients treatments and remedies, and focusing on the particular treatments and remedies that have helped patients get faster healing results!



The third week will be all about remedies and treatments that are working in the clinic. This includes short demos on treatments and remedies that are working with our patients with this issue. You will get to see how treatments and remedies are applied, and get answers to your questions about how these remedies and treatments are best used to accelerate the healing process.



The fourth week of each month will cover our top treatments and remedies for overcoming the infection or illness covered during the month. We share experimental treatments and remedies that we are testing in the clinic for faster healing improvements. You get to ask any remaining questions about the month's topic. There are breakout sessions where you can learn what is working for members of the community. You also get to share which topics you want to be covered in the next month.




The fifth week sometimes there is a fifth week in the month where we offer a special bonus training, expert interview, or host a community meeting.

This Community Is For You If You...

  • Want to know real healing techniques with past success
  • Want support and someone to answer your questions 
  • Want to know how to choose between different treatments, and use them
  • Seem to have tried everything under the sun with little to no success
Taught by

Greg Lee

Greg Lee will be teaching you about natural remedies and treatments for Lyme and other chronic illnesses. His team also provides valuable support to help you learn how to help your patients to heal their Lyme symptoms more quickly.

Greg Lee is the driving force behind the Lyme Research & Healing Center,, and a world expert on using Chinese herbs and alternative medicines and treatments for healing incredibly persistent Lyme disease and multiple chronic infections.

Greg Lee has been featured in numerous podcasts, summits, and seminars focused on Lyme Disease and other chronic illnesses. 

He has worked for decades and helped heal thousands of Lyme Patients, using innovative testing and treatment techniques. Now he hosts a number of trainings and webinars helping as many people struggling to heal Lyme as he can. 

"Pieces to the puzzle that have never been explained......don't know how to thank you enough"

- M.P HFR Subscriber

"I really feel the hydrogenie helped get me out of a brain swelling pattern in a life-saving way"

- N.S HFR Subscriber

"...I am always looking for tips, and also want people to have hope because I do. Greg's tips have helped me, I hope to learn more..."

- D.K HFR Subscriber

Join our HEAL for Real Community

Bi-Monthly Payments


$80 Total Due Now, and Every 2 Months after


Yearly Payments


Save $80! get 2 Months Free


If you aren’t completely satisfied with the community, cancel within the first 14-days and you won't be charged. No questions asked.

As this is a subscription service with automated payments, you can continue to cancel anytime within two weeks after a renewal charge. 

Learn a little more about what we do for the HEAL for Real Community and how we go about doing it:

Learn more about who Greg Lee is and what brought him to Chinese Medicine and the healing community: